Lower corporation and income tax on the horizon?
So, now we know who the winner of the Conservative Party Leadership race and new Prime Minister is, what can we expect from them in terms of tax and spending?
So, now we know who the winner of the Conservative Party Leadership race and new Prime Minister is, what can we expect from them in terms of tax and spending?
Limited companies have always been a very tax efficient vehicle for companies and their Directors, but various changes in other taxes and allowances mean this may not continue to be the case.
As the dust settles on the 2021/22 budget and we absorb another round of tax increases and changes to reliefs and tapers, we are once again reminded of just how complex the UK tax system is. Managing this on an individual level is hard enough, imagine having to control and account for it across an […]
Nobody likes paying tax, whether via their business or personally and the question of ‘How can we reduce our corporation tax bill?’ is one we are faced with almost daily. Sadly, the query tends to come when it is either too late to do anything i.e. they are looking at their completed accounts and therefore […]
Amid much talk of further tax rises in the pipeline, to help offset the impact of Brexit and to support the Governments planned spending increase on the NHS, HMRC has announced that it had a record tax take in the 17/18 tax year. The total take of just over £605 billion is up 5.4% on […]